My Favorite 2 1/2 year old

Rockin’ Mommy’s sunglasses
Let’s face it.  This blog has been quiet for a few months and when I do post, it’s very much baby related.  Unfortunately, that’s probably a little representative of how things are going at home.  I’m trying to be very conscious of not talking about Aedan too much and reassuring Brody that he’s still my favorite “big-boy.”  As the end grows nearer, I think he’s getting more and more worried about his attention from his parents.
Yesterday, I dropped him off at daycare and along with begging me to stay longer to play with him, he actually whimpered (not quite crying) when I left.  He hasn’t acted that way in well over a year.  It nearly broke my heart. 
So, the last few weeks, we’ve tried to do some extra-fun activities and have been doing as much “family of three” stuff before that changes.  Our regular babysitters haven’t been happy about this arrangement, but Brody is getting lots of mommy & daddy time! 
Zoo Train
“Driving” a tractor
Snack-time in front of the Badger Game
So here’s a few updates on what Brody is into these days:
-Despite the start of the football season, he’s still obsessed with playing baseball.  Which also means I often have baseballs thrown at me when I’m not looking.  (we’re working on that!)
-He still loves reading books – his favorite lately seems to be “The Big Hungry Bear,” which is funny because we’ve had the book for a long time but he loves it more after reading it with Aubrie on our vacation with them.
-We don’t let him watch that many TV shows, so the few we approve of generally rotate.  The last few weeks though, he’s loving Dora & Diego.  Lately he’s been a bit of a TV addict (asking to watch it all the time), so we’re saying no a lot more often and trying to control that for now. 
-Still as active as ever.  The best days we have with him are when he gets time to run around outside.  It’s better when we go somewhere (like the zoo).  I’m dreading winter-time!
I LOVE the funny things this kid says & does…so here’s a few:
-“I don’t want one brother, I want TWO”
-Randomly singing a Tim McGraw/Kenney Chesney song in the car…when it wasn’t even playing on the radio!
-“Mom you can’t wear boots, it’s not snowing outside!”  (Clearly I’ve stopped taking fashion advice from him)
-“I don’t want to be a big brother, I’m going to be a big sister”

Brody is 9 months old

Brody is officially 9 months old today. Which is less exciting as Brody’s friend and future wife, Aubrie turning one year old! Time sure does fly!

Brody is continuing to show us his crazy side by speed-crawling and getting into everything. He giggles furiously when we try to stop him from doing something he’s not supposed to do. His favorite toys right now are his walker, shopping cart, balls and activity table that plays some great dancing music!

He’s getting better at standing up without holding onto anything but doesn’t stand up on his own yet. He walks great while holding onto walking toys, or really anything he can push around the floor. He’ll be transferring to an older room at daycare in the next month, so he’s been playing with the toddlers outside a lot and loves it. He’s also eating finger foods for snacks at a toddler table & chair. He’s practicing drinking from a sippy cup but hasn’t quite mastered it yet.

He’s had some trouble sleeping this month and has had a couple colds again. He also has pink-eye this week caused by his cold virus. His doctor gave him eye drops just in case and once he wasn’t contagious, he headed back to daycare. He isn’t loving the eye drops and it’s a two-person job to put them in. Hopefully his immunities are getting stronger with each cold and we’ll have a healthier year next year!