Letter to Brody

Dear Brody,

Please drink your afternoon bottle. I promise it will fill you up! And then you won’t need to scream for the entire 15 minute ride home because you’re starving.

Thank you!
Your overworked, overtired mommy

P.S. If you could figure out that sleeping through the night thing again, that would be good too.

Letter from Mommy

Dear Brody,

It’s not nice to kick your daddy in the head. I know, I know, he was invading your space. But he really just wanted to hear your little heart beating.

Yes, mommy did laugh really hard and we’ll let you get away with it until you know better. But once you get older, it may not be so cute when you kick someone.

Next time we’ll try to let you know ahead of time that daddy is going to be putting his ear up to mommy’s tummy to listen to you. He loves you very much and just wants to hear what you’re up to in there.

We can’t wait to see you!

Letter from Mommy

Dear Baby Boy,

Welcome to the top half of my uterus! You’ve never moved around up here so I had to stop for a moment to figure out what this sensation was.

However, I would greatly appreciate it if you could stay there for more than 2 minutes. My bladder is not a trampoline!

With lots of love,