Daycare Fun

Yesterday I got the following e-mail from daycare:

“Once again Brody was the only boy in the room. When I was putting ‘prettys’ in the girls’ hair, Brody pulled his own hair and signed ‘Please.’ He even looked up at where we keep the rubber bands! With the new refined ‘please’ baby sign and those big blue eyes I couldn’t say no…”

She also added that she told him that some football players wear ponytails too! And then said, I hope you don’t mind! This type of thing doesn’t bother me in the slightest, I think it’s cute. With Brody’s mohawk the first year of his life, it isn’t the first time a teacher put his hair in a ponytail! I laughed, put the picture on my phone and forwarded it to Jason right away.

However…Jason thought Brody should have a hairstyle more like Daddy’s…so here’s what he looked like this morning…

I do have to say, the styled look does make my heart melt. He looks like such a big kid!

Brody is 9 months old

Brody is officially 9 months old today. Which is less exciting as Brody’s friend and future wife, Aubrie turning one year old! Time sure does fly!

Brody is continuing to show us his crazy side by speed-crawling and getting into everything. He giggles furiously when we try to stop him from doing something he’s not supposed to do. His favorite toys right now are his walker, shopping cart, balls and activity table that plays some great dancing music!

He’s getting better at standing up without holding onto anything but doesn’t stand up on his own yet. He walks great while holding onto walking toys, or really anything he can push around the floor. He’ll be transferring to an older room at daycare in the next month, so he’s been playing with the toddlers outside a lot and loves it. He’s also eating finger foods for snacks at a toddler table & chair. He’s practicing drinking from a sippy cup but hasn’t quite mastered it yet.

He’s had some trouble sleeping this month and has had a couple colds again. He also has pink-eye this week caused by his cold virus. His doctor gave him eye drops just in case and once he wasn’t contagious, he headed back to daycare. He isn’t loving the eye drops and it’s a two-person job to put them in. Hopefully his immunities are getting stronger with each cold and we’ll have a healthier year next year!

Ladies Man

Who knew you had to worry about boys at such a young age? I came home to a note from Brody’s daycare teachers that went something like this:
Brody was kissing a friend today! He “crawled” over to her, grabbed her head and kissed it.

Now, Brody doesn’t know how to kiss yet. So I imagine it was really an open mouth full of slobber on her head. He really knows how to turn on the charm!

I imagine with a cute little man like him, we’ll have lots of these stories down the road. However, I’m not looking forward to the day when it’s no longer cute that he’s kissing girls and a little bit scary.