You know you’re the mom of a toddler when…

When I first started working after Brody was born, it made me laugh at the stuff I had at my desk with me in my laptop bag.

Today I was reflecting on how I am so used to carrying around stuff for Brody that it doesn’t phase me, but it’s amazing how different life is with a toddler. A year and a half ago I blogged about having onsies, bibs etc. Check purse today:

–Toy Cars
–Pacifier (that’s being hidden in a zipper so Brody won’t find it)
–Hand sanitizing wipes & bottle of hand sanitizer
–iPad that Brody refers to as “Elmo” because that’s what he uses it for
–Lots of advil

And on the weekends you’ll find a spare diaper and wipes, sippy cup and a snack.

It’s not a glamorous life, but I love it.