The many perspectives of how a pregnant woman should look…

Once I started showing enough to stop getting those awkard “is she pregnant or fat?” looks from co-workers/strangers, I’ve received a variety of comments about my size.

Now that I’m a week away from my due date & completely HUGE (or not huge, just pregnant, as Jason reminds me), I’ve continued to receive even more comments. The part that makes me laugh, is how varied they are.

I’ve heard a lot of: “you’re so big, there is no way you’re going to make it to your due date!”

But I also hear a lot of: “there’s no way you’re due in a week, you don’t look big enough!!”

All I know is that I feel like I’m due in a week. 🙂

And as a reminder to everyone out there, when you see a pregnant woman, ask her when she is due, the best thing you can say “you look great!”

Pregnancy Police – Bowling

Tomorrow we are having a Finance outing in which we will be bowling. (This is very typical of Finance people –I don’t know why). So of course for the last 3 weeks or so, all I have heard is, “can you bowl?” My simple answer has been, yes, I can lift up to 25lbs, why not a bowling ball?

I know my body and I have continued to make safe decisions for the last 7 1/2 months for me and the baby. If women can train for marathons when they’re pregnant, I can throw a 10 lb bowling ball down a lane for an hour or so!!

Then today, another co-worker is talking about the outing and says “well of course you’re not bowling!” So I told her, yes I am planning to bowl. She mentions that another co-worker in her department was told by her doctor that she wasn’t allowed to and she’s not even as far along as I am. At this point the rest of my co-workers in the discussion begin to voice similar concerns.

Okay, fine, fine, I’ll call my doctor. So I did, and guess what he said? “Yep, you can bowl!”

I just wish being pregnant didn’t mean justifying the decisions I make on a daily basis.

Pregnancy Police – Coffee

So I heard this on the radio this morning & it made me so mad, I have to post about it! Apparently there is a coffee chain (they didn’t name names) who is refusing to serve fully caffeinated beverages to obviously pregnant women! The woman that was mentioned on the radio left with only a 1/2 caff – 1/2 decaf latte.

Now I don’t know a ton of details, such as if this is a policy of that coffee place or just a manager in particular. However, I would be pissed if I went into Starbucks to order a latte and was turned down! I happen to know how many milligrams of caffeine are in lattes and I know how much my doctor recommends. If I choose to have coffee, it’s my decision and I’m an educated woman.

Now having said that, I haven’t had my favorite latte in 20 weeks (since I found out) even though I know I can. I’m overly cautious and have chosen to stay away. However, I can’t promise I’ll make it through the holiday season without a peppermint latte. If at that time I am refused service, there will definitely be hell to pay.

Okay…rant over. 🙂