30 Seconds with my Toddler

“Shoes” as I put on his shoes

“Moon!” pointing to the Nike symbol on his shoes

“No Brody, that is a swoosh – can you say swoosh?”

“No! Moon!”


“No!” OK – that argument was pointless.

“Shoes on….socks on”

“Airplane” points outside

“Mama gloves” points to my gloves

“Dada gloves” no gloves to be seen

“Dada working”

“Yes Brody, Dada went to work, are we going to go to school?”

“Doggies! Doggies barking!”

“Milk cold”

“Yes, your milk IS cold, let’s go to school now”


Where’s Brody?

So I have to admit it, this blog has fallen down on my list of priorities in the last couple of weeks. As many of you experience first-hand, the start of summer can be a very busy time! We’ve been out of town, in town but away from the house and busy watching Brody grow up.

So what’s Brody been up to? He’s rolling back and forth, but he’s better at rolling back to tummy than tummy to back. He went “swimming” for the first time this weekend. He’s trying to sit up, but is far away from actually doing it. He’ll be practicing eating with a spoon starting tonight! I’ll make sure to post the messy pictures.

In the meantime, I’ll catching up on the last couple of weeks soon.

Oh how fast they change

I realize every day that my little guy is getting big. I do also realize that relatively speaking, he’s still pretty small.

It’s when I look through pictures that I really realize how much he has changed. I put on this cute outfit the other day and the legs make it look more like capris than pants. So I looked for the last picture I had of him in this outfit:

3 weeks
8.5 Weeks:

Just like his mommy

Looking at Brody we aren’t quite sure who he looks like. He has resemblances of both of us, but is definitely cuter than either of us! Now personality-wise…he’s definitely starting to take after his Mom.

Even in utero we saw signs Brody of acting like me. Now, whether it is because he spends all day with me or his DNA, Brody has a lot of characteristics that I can relate to.

-He’s already sleeping 8-9 hours many nights. Then he proceeds to take many naps during the day. Just like mommy, he loves his sleep.
-Once, we tried to wake him from a nap at 7:30pm so he wouldn’t have trouble going to bed. BIG mistake. He loves his sleep and is cranky if he doesn’t get enough. That was one of the crankiest evenings with him. Just ask my parents, or Jason for that matter, I’m very cranky when I don’t get enough sleep.
-He loves to cuddle, but he loves his space. As he gets stronger, he’s becoming more independent. When he wants to stretch his legs he will make it known. He’ll fuss and fuss until you let him sit or stretch the way he wants.

I’m still hoping there are other traits he doesn’t inherit. If his hand-eye coordination ends up as bad as mine, J will lose his hope of a baseball player!

Venti please!

I’ve found the secret to success in surviving the first couple months of mommyhood: Venti White Chocolate Mocha. Ahh, the days I make a trip through my favortie drive-thru I feel on top of the world!

Of course after the caffeine high and no nap, I’m ready to crash by 8pm.