Conversation with a 2 year old

Conversations with Brody are often hilarious and more than anything, it always opens my eyes to how he sees thing so differently than I do.  Most of all, he’s very literal.  Today’s conversation:

“Brody, do you want to go to a birthday part for Jesus next weekend?”

Will Jesus be there?”

No honey, Jesus won’t be there.

Where is Jesus”

Usually I say Jesus is in Heaven, but today I went with: “Jesus is in your heart, whenever you want to talk to Him, he’s there”

“But I’m not a mommy!”


“Jesus is a baby, and only mommies can carry babies in their tummies”

Today’s Jesus talk = FAIL!

Why I Breastfeed

6 1/2 weeks into Aedan’s life and I still have to remind myself on a daily basis why breastfeeding him is the right thing for us.  So I thought I would blog about it to help me with my goal of doing it as long as I can.  Every week or so I set a new goal.  My current short-term goal is 2 months.  My long-term goal is to do it until I go back to work.

Why I breastfeed:
1.  We already know Aedan has a sensitive stomach, breastmilk is formulated to be the best thing for him, as long as I avoid dairy.  I worry that even hypoallergenic formula will be tough on his stomach.

2. It’s free!  (sort-of)  Formula, especially hypoallergenic, is expensive.  I’m cheap.  I say it’s only sort-of free because I’ve invested in nursing bras, tank-tops, remedies for soreness early on…and a pump.  But at least the pump was an investment I made 3 years ago.

3. Attempt to keep Aedan healthier.  Theoretically since my breastmilk has my immunities, it should give Aedan a stronger immune system.  Brody was constantly sick (as are most daycare kids) the first couple years, so I am trying to give Aedan the best shot possible.  Do I really think that formula-fed kids can’t be just as healthy?  No.  But it’s worth a shot!

4. It is easier, when we’re at home.  No bottles, no powder to mix, and it’s always in stock!  Especially in the middle of the night when I’m too sleep deprived to make bottles.

Why I struggle with breastfeeding:
1.  It’s not easy, when I’m not at home.  I can walk through Target feeding Aedan a bottle, I can’t however walk and breastfeed.  I know some moms can (by using a sling), but I’m not that coordinated (ha!).  I’ve gotten over my fear of nursing in public and I just use a cover to keep everything hidden.  If I didn’t do this, I’d never get out of the house and then I’d really go crazy.  But it still requires me to sit down for anywhere from 20-40 minutes depending on how slow Aedan wants to eat that day.

2.  The pump.  I hate the pump.  At the end of the day, I’m going back to work and ideally I would pump to keep up his breastmilk.  So I started pumping to get him used to the bottle and to start building extra.  Unfortunately, I’m learning that I can only pump about half of what he eats.  So, while I’m still building an extra stash, when I give him a bottle, I lose out.  He eats 3-4oz, I pump 1.5-2oz.  So as much as giving him a bottle is great and gives me a break, I lose out.  Which means less time away from the baby, which means less time with Brody and less alone time with the hubs.

3. DAIRY!  Have I ever mentioned how much I love milk, and cheese, and milk chocolate and ice cream?  Yum…

Above all, I LOVE those cute squishy cheeks!

38 Weeks & 38 Week Appt

 Yes, I’m aware I look HUGE!

Total weight gain/loss: Up 3 1/2 lbs in a week, really weird.  See dr appt update below for more…

Maternity clothes: Did you know that some maternity clothes don’t even last the full 9 months?  I have a few shirts that are now too short.  Annoying!!  (Plus it’s really sad when you’re so big your maternity clothes don’t fit – ha!)

Sleep: I consider it a success when I can sleep straight until 5am.  Soon enough I’ll be begging to sleep for at least 4 hours, so despite the pain I wake up in, I’m trying to enjoy sleep as much as possible.

Best moment this week: When Brody told Jason he doesn’t want to be a big brother – he wants to be a big sister!  I love that kid.

Food cravings: I’m officially giving up dairy (obvious sources: cheese, milk, yogurt etc) to prep for breastfeeding.  Aedan is higher risk for milk intolerance since Brody had dairy issues his first year.  I’m trying to give us the best opportunity for successful breastfeeding by cutting dairy out of my diet, so we’ll see how it goes.  So in the last week, I’ve been eating a few extra bowls of custard.

Labor Signs: Nada

What I miss: Being able to snuggle with my boys.  For starters, Brody hasn’t realized that my lap dissapeared.  So during bed time he just scoots back more and more squishing my stomach.  Then Jason attempted to give me a “side-hug” because my belly gets in the way.  I just want normal snuggles!!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little man.  Can’t wait to see his personality, if he looks exactly like Brody and how big he’s going to be.  So excited. 

Milestones: Just another week closer!

Differences between 1&2: Preparing for labor was a little easier the first time because aside from worrying about someone swinging by to take care of the dogs, it was easy to go to the hospital when it was time.  This time, we have to worry about Brody.  So there are a lot of, what happens if it’s in the middle of the night? during the day? on the weekend?  Lots of contingency planning necessary. 
38w Dr Appt
Weight: + 3.5lbs
Blood Pressure: 128/70
Heartbeat: Good – don’t know the exact number

Fundal Height: For some reason he hasn’t been measuring my stomach, but I keep forgetting to ask him if he should. 

Labor Progress: “1 & long” as the OB put it.  1 cm dilated, but still very high and not effaced at all.  All of this is totally fine with me, I have two weeks to go.  I’m actually just really really excited to be 1cm even though it means absolutely nothing.  I wasn’t dialated at all with Brody, even after over 24 hours of contractions.  So the idea that my body actually got started a little earlier this time, makes me feel better about my ability to go into labor on my own again.

Questions: So we’ve talked the last few appointments about the crazy headaches I’ve been having.  I’m not new to migraines, but I’ve had more over the last few weeks than the rest of my pregnancy.  Since headaches can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, he’s been keeping an eye on my blood pressure.  Even though it’s high for me (I’m normally a 115/60ish person), it’s still very much within normal range.  But then this week, when he saw my weight spike (likely due to bloating), he sounded a little more concerned.  He just told me to call if my headaches get bad enough / if I feel weird sensation where things “just don’t feel right.”  Don’t know exactly what that means, but we’ll see. 

He sounds very open to inducing me if at any point I want him to, however, I’d really like to go into labor on my own, so I am hoping everything stays healthy enough to do that.  In the meantime, I may be eating a few extra spicy foods to see if I can prod him out on his own.  🙂

28 Weeks / 28 Week Appointment

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 19 in total according to the doc today.  But I looked back at my last pregnancy and I gained 22 lbs by this point, so at least I’m trending a little better!
Maternity clothes: The summer heat has definitely kicked in, so I’m enjoying the tanks, dresses and comfy shorts.
Sleep: Exhausted, always.  And sleeping isn’t that comfortable at this point, so the last few months are always a blast!
Best moment this week: Had another doc appointment and hearing Aedan’s heartbeat always makes me smile.  He’s also moving a ton, which I love.  It’s nice  to feel like him with me at all times.  Though I’m a little worried about how active he is…what am I going to do with two crazy boys on my hands?!?
Food cravings: nothing fun
Gender: Boy oh boy.
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: bending over and being able to reach my feet… 😦
What I am looking forward to: holding him.  I’ve totally forgotten what it’s like to hold a tiny little baby, it’s goign to be so sweet.
Milestones: Let’s see…3rd trimester.  I’ve hit a point where morning sickness started up again and exhaustion is in full swing again.  Luckily a few other typical milestones haven’t hit yet…I’m still wearing my rings and my ankles haven’t swollen up yet.  Winning!
Differences between 1&2:  The advantage of your first pregnancy is that you can take a lot more time to take care of yourself.  The luxury goes away when you have a growing baby and a 2 year old to take care of.  I miss all the naps I used to take when I was carrying Brody.  That would be so nice…

28 week dr appt – my OB was off delievering a baby (go figure!) so I met with a different OB in the practice
Weight: Up 4 lbs since last time
Blood Pressure: 120/70
Heartbeat: 130
Fundal Height: 27-28 (according to blog – I was 28.5 @ 28 weeks w/ Brody. Which is funny because I feel so much bigger this time!)
Questions: Talked mostly about travel.  I have 3 weekend trips planned 3-6 hours away from home from 32-35 weeks pregnant, so I wanted to make sure we talked about if I needed to be checked for dilation before I traveled.  She reminded me that I’m now going to appointments every 2 weeks (seriously? really? it’s that far already!?), so that my OB could check me before my first trip.

Then I had to do the O’Sullivan (screen for Gestational Diabetes).  Drink a sugary drink, wait for an hour, do a blood draw.  The drink wasn’t pleasant and made me feel a little nauseous, but was fine.  It’s more boring than anything. 

Last time I wasn’t worried at all about having GD.  Then this time I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal either, until my OB tells me that I’m actually at a higher risk.  What? Really? 

Apparently having a large baby the first time puts you at risk of having GD the second time.  Everything I’ve read says 9lbs, and Brody was just under that…so I’ll be okay, right?  I honestly was a little more worried this time.  We’ll find out tomorrow for sure!

20-21 Weeks

21 weeks 3 days

We’ve been busy the past couple weeks, so I’m combining two check-ins in one.
How far along? 20/21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs per the doctor’s office scale.  That’s 4 lbs less than last time I was 21 weeks pregnant, so I am hoping I can keep the trend going.  My goal is to be healthier than the first time around.
Maternity clothes? Lots of them.  Just looking for it to warm up so I can wear the new capris I bought!
Sleep: Let’s just say our brand new king-size bed is coming in handy.  Though the multiple pillows don’t seem to keep my hips from hurting this time.
Best moment this week: Jason felt Aedan kick for the first time this week!  He’s been having a party in my stomach, so it was great for Jay to feel it!  The second best thing the last two weeks is that my morning sickness is finally gone!! It only took 15 weeks to wake up feeling normal, but it’s great to finally be there.
Food cravings: I’ve been craving a doughnut for 2 weeks and finally gave in to it on Friday.  It was delicious!
Gender: Little man
Labor Signs: Other than some braxton hicks, nothing, which is a good thing.
What I miss: Heels, and feeling like a 28 year-old instead of an 80 year-old.  My hips hurt, my back hurts, my knees hurt….
What I am looking forward to: Mother’s Day with my boys.  Can’t wait until next year when I’m a mom to two little boys.
Milestones: Past the halfway mark!
Differences between 1 & 2:  The amount of focus I give my pregnancy.  Obviously my weekly updates aren’t as regular, plus I even forget how far along I am sometimes.  I’m so focused on Brody, that I haven’t had as much time to think about the baby on the way.  I know that will change completely once Aedan is born, so I’m trying not to feel guilty about it right now. 

The way a toddler thinks…

I constantly crack-up at the things Brody says to me. I’ve posted about how random a conversation can be with him. But even more, these conversations really make me think about how weird his brain works.

I believe most of Brody’s frustrations these days, is because he really doesn’t understand certain things. Take yesterday’s discussion:

Walking through daycare parking lot:

B: Blue one, Mama!
M: Yes, there is a blue car, good job!
B: Drive Blue one.
M: Silly, that’s not our car! We have a brown car.
B: No Mama, blue one!
M: Brody, I can’t just drive someone else’s car. See, look at Mama’s keys, they work for our Brown car.

Of course he was still upset we didn’t get to drive the blue car, and I still don’t think he gets why we can’t just pick any car out of the parking lot and drive it home.

Then on the way home, he proceeded to tell me about the boogers in his nose, how he wanted eggs plus hot dogs for dinner and told me I drive too fast. He seriously makes me laugh.

We Like to Party!

It did in fact happen, Brody turned 2! It happened over a month ago, yet, the blog stayed silent. I’m not the most consistent blogger in the world!

So…Brody turns 2 (holy crap!) and we throw a party!

On Brody’s actual birthday, I had big plans. I took off work all day, but sent Brody to daycare. I planned to bake/food prep for the party all day, until Brody woke up from his nap. Then I was going to pick him up from daycare, take him to a kids indoor playground and we were going to go out for dinner. But, we live in Wisconsin. And it snowed. And snowed. Most of the day. Jason and I decided to just have Jay pick Brody up from daycare at the normal time and that it didn’t make sense for more driving in the snow than necessary. We even stayed in for dinner. I was bummed we couldn’t do something more special, but I know Brody didn’t care. He was just excited that there were balloons in the house that he could play with.

The next day was the big party. For almost a month beforehand, we told Brody that he was having an “Elmo Birthday Party.” It was really fun having him actually understand what a birthday party was and get excited for it. So his next big excitement was that he was going to “eat Elmo.” Which was hilarious. I practiced making his birthday cake ahead of time because I was afraid I’d screw it up (I work with numbers for a living, I’m not very creative) so he knew what the Elmo cake looked like. I wouldn’t let him eat the practice one, so he was very excited to “eat Elmo.”

The Elmo/Seasame Theme Invite:

Here are some of the decorations:

I made an Elmo cake

Elmo veggie tray

Elmo books and toys as centerpieces

I also made red cake pops as party favors (can NOT believe I forgot to take a picture of them) and we ordered Elmo cupcakes from a local bakery. Brody wore an Elmo shirt with the #2 on it (found on

Brody doesn’t quite know how to blow out a candle yet, so his friend Aubrie (she’s 3 months older, so clearly much wiser) had to show him how it’s done. (Also can NOT believe I don’t have a picture of this, she was too cute!!)

He does have eating the cupcake down though!

We ended up with 35ish guests, which was amazing. A ton of our friends were able to make it, and considering many of them don’t have kids yet, not to mention 2 year old birthday parties aren’t even that exciting when you do have kids, we were very greatful they came. It’s always good to get so many people we love in one place!

Road Trip

Early in June we took a 4 day weekend to drive down to Kansas City. The city that started it all for us. Jason & I only lived there for about a year and a half, but fell in love with it pretty quickly. We had many firsts in that city: first time we lived together, first year of marriage, first car, first house. Not to mention, it was the first time either of us had lived outside of Wisconsin. We grew a lot that year, both together and as individuals.

We absolutely loved living there, but for my career, ended up moving quicker than we would have liked. We’re now back in Wisconsin because we love being close to family and friends, but if we could convince all of them to move to KC, we’d do it!

The drive is long, but I wanted to save the money on the airfare, so we did it anyway. The first night of our trip we slept in a random hotel in Iowa after driving as far as we could make it. Back up early to get on the road, we arrived in KC mid-afternoon on Thursday. It’s was a little later than we planned, but not driving too late the night before was worth it.

First item on the agenda was eating at my absolute favorite restaurant in KC. Jack Stack is a BBQ restaurant with amazing food. I was excited to eat there, and I’d say Brody enjoyed it as well!

The best part about this trip is that we had no real plans. So Friday, once we got up and ready we walked down to Country Club plaza which is an outdoor shopping plaza several blocks long. We spent all morning shopping, had lunch and headed back to the hotel for nap time.

I’ve already blogged about how difficult hotels can be for toddlers. Our biggest problem is that Brody doesn’t sleep well in hotel rooms. He can see us up and about, so he doesn’t understand why he should be napping. Every day of this trip we had a battle with him during nap and bedtime. Aside from sleeping challenges though, he handled being in a hotel room just fine.

Without the toddler-amenities of home, like a high chair, we did a lot of improvising. But it all seemed to work out.

Friday night we drove out to the suburbs for another one of our favorite restaurants and to drive through our old neighborhood. We were surprised to see a lot of boarded up windows and broken shutters. I guess that the houses were hit pretty hard with the storms that caused the tornadoes in Missouri. The only downside of Kansas was the tornados, though we were pretty lucky while we lived there.

Saturday after some pool-time, we headed to another part of the city, to another favorite shopping area. Again, everything being outdoors, we just loved walking around. We also were able to stop at a restaurant we thought Brody would love, T-Rex, which is themed around dinosaurs. We were right and he loved every minute of it. He kept “rawr-ing” like a dinosaur and making fish faces since we sat by the fish tank. The best part was, that when this restaurant opened up, Jason and I talked about how it looked like a great place to take kids and talked about taking our children there someday. I loved thinking back to what life was like just the two of us back then, and now the three of us.

We headed out of town after that and spent the night near Iowa City. Sunday was left for leisurely driving home and it worked out well enough that we stopped in Debuque, IA to watch our nephew’s basketball team play in a tournament.

I’m really glad we made the trip out of town. We have a lot of vacations this year, but as last-minute as this was planned, it was great to have a relaxing but fun getaway. The rest of our travels this year include a lot of other family and friends, which we’re really excited for. However, the part that made this trip special is that it was just about the three of us, and I loved it.

Our battle with dairy

As past readers know, we’ve had milk issues with Brody from the beginning. First breastfeeding didn’t work (due to me or him or both), then milk-based formulas caused a reaction, then soy formula didn’t work, then hypoallergenic formula was the final, expensive solution.

After a month or so on hypoallergenic, we tried soy again. It worked perfectly. Then, several months of something that worked. It was great. We started baby food and just avoided anything with dairy.

Then around 10-11 months I tried yogurt. He got sick. Took some time off, we started cheese, no reaction!! Tried yogurt again, he didn’t want to eat it. Tried yogurt bites (freeze dried baby food), no reaction! Tried mac & cheese – perfect!

Then the big test…whole milk. The week of Brody’s birthday we mixed in 1oz of milk with his 5 oz bottle of formula. He drank about half of it and about 10 minutes later it was all over the carpet along with everything else he had eaten for the day. Ugh…

We gave him a week off and tried again. Now we started with a tablespoon of milk mixed with his formula. We’re up to almost an ounce of milk after 4 days and so far so good!

It’s a long process but I finally have hope that he’ll be able to drink milk before he’s two. In fact, he may be drinking whole milk by the time he’s 13 months old!!